Thursday, March 4, 2010


Hello! I have been quite busy lately so I haven't had time to write another entry. Heh heh. Actually, that's only part of the truth. The other part of the truth is, there's only so much writing a girl (or boy) can take! Unless you're a writing fanatic, of course. Then, hats off to you! In my defense, I wrote a guest blog entry  on IT Valley on Microsoft's gaming division, and though it doesn't seem like it, that took a lot of time and a good amount of research. I may look like an uber gamer who speaks l33t language in my sleep**, but actually, I haven't played many games since I started college. I have also been writing a philosophy paper, which brings me such joy I can often hardly contain my tears. Seriously, if I didn't have a Lenovo, all of which are equipped with waterproof(!) keyboards, where else would I pour out my emotions? Though, I've gotta say, reading philosophy can drive me crazy sometimes, but some of the reading is awesome: "In guarding their fortune men are often closefisted, yet, when it comes to the matter of wasting time, in the case of the one thing in which it is right to be miserly, they show themselves most prodigal." *strokes (invisible) beard pensively* Very true, Seneca the Younger, very true. 

So! I have nothing to really show for myself, so I'll just post up part of a homework assignment I did recently for my Global Health and Nutrition class. It's a page on Iodine, which is really important for your body. Iodine deficiency is the most preventable cause for mental retardation, and has terrible side effects like cretinism and goiters. A lot of people are not getting enough iodine; this was partly salvaged in America due to the iodization of table salt, but it's becoming more of a problem because most salt is actually not iodized (~70%), even though people now depend on salt as their source of iodine. P.S. Did You Know? I have hyperthyroidism. It's not due to iodine deficiency (it's a genetic condition) and I don't have a goiter or mental incapacities (or do I?), but it does explain why I'm kind of weird and awkward sometimes =).

Getting back to my educational page: I wish I had room on my page for pictures of the diseases, it would have been more memorable. I also wish I had a classier way of designing and coloring things; the colors I choose and the ways I design things are so baby cute; I want to instead be lean, mean, and cool!

** just kidding. I look like a normal girl. NORMAL I TELL YOU

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